Personal Stories
Fred M. Symmank Collection
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This Spitfire is from the 308th FS/31st FG USAAF.
The 31st was one of two American Spitfire groups in the 12th Air Force.

American made Aeronca Army observation aircraft. Continental 65 hp engine. Our technical supply sergent traded several flight jackets for this aircraft. This aircraft was a lot of fun for our pilots and enlisted men that wanted to learn to fly. A number of us received our first flight experience and soloed in this machine. Great fun.

Remote area lifting hoist very mobile and used mostly for lifing P-47 tail section, attaches to front of Cat, uses winch for power. (One of the Thunderbombers, Alto Corsica).

Special heavy lifting hoist designed for engine changes. The hoist could be assembled and attached to a 2&1/2 ton GI truck by one man. Attaches quickly to existing devices, no tools required, and uses the truck winch for power.

The following tools and equipment was designed and built by Fred Symmank to produce a more efficient maintenance of the P-47 aircraft fleet. Note: Pic #27 - A-20’s of 47th BG in background. (Grosseto Italy)

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