Sgt. Noto, in charge of the Officer’s Mess, finds a lady friend.
At Amendola, the transportation section had more than military vehicles to work on.
This one looks like a 1937 Ford.
Repair facilities for automotive jobs were in just as short supply as for aircraft repairs.
Jeeps were unbeatable for Italian mud. Trees in the background probably from an Olive grove.
A four ship flight “peels up” for landing.
The last of our ME-109’s was left by operations upon departing Amendola. A few men and myself were amongst the last to leave so we burned it. I think the pilots had become wary of the 109’s after their many mishaps and the death of Lt. Harold R. Gohman who perished upon bailing out of one.
Winter comes to sunny Italy.
Jeep belongs to 57th Fighter Group Headquarters.