Frequently, C-47’s ferried special personnel in and out.
Spare tires mounted to landing gear.

Toolbox opened was the standard regulation crew chief’s issue, commonly referred to as a “Kennedy Kit.” Kennedy being the tool box manufacturer. The 5 gallon fuel cans shown are “Jerry cans.” German equipment. Note the locking type spouts.

CATO gets an engine overhaul.

This was a “bench overhaul.”

Note the headgear. The outfit was anything but military having been separated from other U.S. forces and administration for so long while part of the 9th Air Force. The 57th became part of the 12th Air Force about the time they moved into Italy.
Looks like connecting rod and possibly oil tank.

Italian aircraft. Macchi MC.200 Saetta.

Looks like Jim Hadnot sitting on the wing.

Officer’s mess gets set up.