Another ME-109 in tow.
Note the square lines of the 109’s canopy. Opening at trailing edge of wing next to fuselage is to control airflow through coolant radiator.
Lt. Howard Hickok, pilot and S/Sgt. Fred W. Symmank.
Looks like Lt. Howard Hickok in the cockpit.
Ready to go.
Taxiing. Note coolant flaps are wide open.
ME-109 preparing for take-off. Note belly tank and the lack of canopy. Belly tank is in place of fuselage tank, which was removed to make it a two-seater.
Captured ME-109. This aircraft has been modified by Sgt. Symmank. Seated rear, to carry a passenger. Lt. Jim Hadnot is the pilot.
ME-109 taking off. Pilot is Lt. Jim Hadnot.