57th FG Veterans attending were:
- David Black 65th
- Ray Garcia 64th
- Dick Grant 65th
- Jim Hare 65th
- Bob Loucks 64th
- Bill Pribyl 64th
- George Wilson 64th
- David Black 65th
About 40 total folks showed up for the reunion. We are getting smaller, but good things come in small groups!

Top: Chris Black, J.C. Hare, Russ Hunziker, relative of David Black, myself.
Bottom: Roy Whittaker (son of Roy E. Whittaker, 65th pilot and ace) David Black 65th Pilot, (toasting) young Jacob Black, John Hunziker, David Black

Jim Hare, David Black at Air Force Museum

Jim Hare, enjoying the visit to the R & D Hanger. He reminisced here about the many different jet types he flew. F-84, F-100 for example.

John Hunziker taking a break on the balcony of the Missile Hanger, looking down on all the aluminum

Posterboard put together for the Reunion by the tourist folks in Dayton. Really nice job, the two of them were raffled. Thanks Dayton!

David Black, pilot 65th. telling family what it was like. Models are all 57th FG ships, Italian and German types of the day.

Dick Grant (65th pilot) John Hunziker, and Jim Hare. Banquet dinner.

Earl Morse, President and Co-Founder of Honor Flight Network, giving moving presentation of service they provide for free to WWII vets, and terminally ill veterans, to travel to Washington D.C. WWII Memorial. Check em out at: www.HonorFlight.org

Ray Garcia (pilot 64th) telling how the Partisans with their intimate knowledge of Axis and Allied movements,
helped his squadron mates when they first got to Villafranca di Verona Italy.

64th Squadrons George Wilson, Bob Loucks, Bill Pribyl, Ray Garcia, Anna and Bob Scheidly, Peter Allegrinz, son of John E. Allegrinz

Group and Squadron meetings. Holiday Inn, Dayton-Fairborn, Ohio.