Apr 4, 1945 – Parma with bombed structures.
Apr 8, 1945 – Oil storage dump.
Apr 17, 1945 – San Prospero.
Apr 17, 1945 – San Prospero.
Google Earth image of the San Prospero site today
Apr 17, 1945 – San Prospero.
Apr 17, 1945 – San Prospero.
Apr 17, 1945 – San Prospero.
Date unknown. Railway marshalling yard
Date unknown. High altitude photo of a bridge over a river.
Shortly after returning home to the Chicago area my father and a friend (Bob Graham) decided they could earn some additional money by taking aerial photos of homes and business in the community where they lived. Dad rented a J-3 Piper Cub from at a local airport. During their first flight he had to make a forced landing in a vacant field because of condensation in the gas. At that point my father’s friend decided flying was not for him and give up the aerial photography idea.
June 1955 US Air Force record of my father’s flight hours in various aircraft. After WWII ended Dad remained in the active reserve. He was recalled to active duty during the Korean conflict and was assigned to a flight test squadron at Wright – Patterson Air Force Base, Dayton Ohio.
I had asked Dad once about the B-17 and B-25 flight hours. He said those were mostly flown during WWII when he was in Italy on beer and wine runs off the squadron.
The PT-19, manufactured by Fairchild Aircraft, was used by the United States Army Air Crops as the primary trainer during WWII. Dad logged 65 hours in this type of aircraft.
The BT-13, manufactured by Vultee Aircraft Corporation, was used by the United States Army Air Crops as the primary trainer during WWII. Vultee merged with Consolidated Aircraft Corporation in 1943 to become Convair. Dad logged 75 hours in this type of aircraft.