James Hadnot (left) collecting his drink from Major Gilbert Wymond, Commanding Officer of the
65th Fighter Squadron for besting Wymond in simulated combat. Wymond flew a Republic P-47 and Hadnot
flew a captured Messerschmitt Bf 109 at high noon over Foggia airfield, Italy. Wymond also had to buy the bar
for all the squadron officers. Pic courtesy NEAM.

65th Fighter Squadron Bar. Pic courtesy Jimmie R. Long, Jr.

65th Fighter Squadron Bar

64th Fighter Squadron - The Scorp's Nest giving the names and numbers of the planes in the squadron... Grosetto Italy, Feb 1945. pic from web-birds.com and Vernon Farmer via daughter Susan Neuman

66th Fighter Squadron Bar - Messerschmitt Me-109 wing. Notice 66th FS Porcelain Penguin/Duck on wing,
and insignia on waste basket. Pic courtesy Jimmie R. Long, Jr.