Major Richard O. Hunziker, 65th FS

“Thunderbomber” Insignia on tail of #61 P-47 Razorback Hunz’ ship

“Joanne” #61 P-47D-15RE, AAF No. 42-75724. Hunz’ ship

L to R Crew Chief Albert “Moon" Mullins, Pilot Dick Hunziker, Crew Gilbert H. Marting, & Armament Chief John V. Butler.

Diorama of “Joanne” at Alto Corsica given to John Hunziker, spring 2018, Chelsea MI
Mucho fun making this project! Is scene from documentary “Thunderbolt”.
I’m wearing replica of my dads Bomber Jacket from the 97th BS 47th BG

Iconic moment from documentary film “Thunderbolt”.
Hunziker hands Mullins cigar butt, says “Here, hold this till I get back”