65th FS Cpl. Raymond G. Chidester Jr., Mechanic

Ray on left, Frank J. Callahan middle, and “Red” on the right. Captured Bf-109.
Scordia, Sep. 1943.

C-54 and B-24.

Old Limy bomber, Vickers Wellington or “Wimpy.”

Ray, Caltanisetta Sicily, 16 September 1943, check the Italian medals (souvenirs).

Ray, Sicily, 1943.

Ray relaxing, unknown location.

Doc on Jackass with Wog, El Dejim, Africa.

Swimming in the Med, Ray on right, Thomas E. Snowden, Walter A. Puciul, Mert. 1943.

Ray eating tomatoes at Scordia Airdrome Sicily, September 1943.

The Mena House in Cairo at the foot of the Pyramids. 25 December, 1942.