The story has been told, and retold,
beginning on that fantastic April 18, 1943. Papers
all across the U.S., as well as elsewhere, trumpeted
the story of how the 57th downed at least 74 Axis
planes (while losing not more than 6) and causing
an estimated equal number to crash land to avoid
being shot down. Even though great happenings
were expected from the 57th, which had become
known as “America’s Flying Circus”,
that Palm Sunday event was beyond expectations
even for them. The story got the front-page headlines
from “Stars and Stripes”, the “Tripoli
Times”, the “Egyptian Mail”
and “Yank”. “Yank,” insisted
on giving the name Charles to Col. Arthur Salisbury
in both is July and September issues relating
the story. A book, “Mediterranean Sweep”
devoted a chapter to the story. The story surfaced
in later years such as in the men’s magazine
“Stag.” The members of the Group called
it a “goose shoot”; the writers glamorized
it with the name “The Palm Sunday Massacre.”
The official reports are usually very austere
and brief such as the Groups operational control;
RAF Group 211’s report a well as the War
Department’s public relations release. The
9th Air Force in its publication at that time
“Desert Campaign” tells it quite eloquently:

Through the April skies over Cape
Bon that Palm Sunday afternoon droned a hundred
enemy transports escorted by upwards of fifty
fighters, all flying perfect formation. In a matter
of moments that drone welled to thunder. The armada
had met the Fifty-seventh on patrol out of its
current base, El Djem, Tunisia. Forty-six Warhawks
with RAF Spitfires flying top cover swept in with
blazing guns and the air became a whirling, screaming
mass of diving planes and gunfire. Junkers transports
blew up in mid air; Junkers dived into the sea
and on to the beaches, some crash-landing. Some
dropped like spent rockets, streaming smoke; some
fluttered down in crazy-control like falling leaves;
some landed in the water and bounced like skipped
stones. Then the Messerschmitt fighters began
falling through from above and it became a problem
of dodging falling enemies while shooting others
down. So closely packed and disorganized was the
mass that it became difficult to keep clear of
friendly fire.
The beaches and the surf below became littered
with wreckage. Troops jumped from some of the
planes as they neared the water, others poured
out of crash landings on the beach. Eighty per
cent of the wrecked planes were flamers and at
one spot the sea beneath became a sheet of fire.
Up above the Spits fanned the ME-109 and 110’s
down to the Warhawks’ fighting level and
for fifteen blazing minutes hell reigned above
and debris rained below. The Black Scorpions,
Fighting Cocks, Exterminators, squadrons of the
57th well earned their names and the less experienced
Yellow Diamonds showed what they had learned with
a little plus over their mentors.
When the Warhawks had exhausted their fuel margins
and had to turn homeward, the score stood at 75
planes destroyed, including 58 of the three-engined
troop carrying JU-52’s and 14 high flying
ME-109’s and 110’s and one Bf 109
and two Italian fighters who blundered up to the
level of the Spits. Of eight American pilots missing
after the battle two were reported the next day
to have landed safely in friendly territory.
The few terse phrases of the routine mission report
with comment in the language peculiar to American
fighter pilots lends graphic detail to the story.
The mission report, a typical one, came from the
Commanding Officer of the 57th, Colonel Arthur
G. Salisbury. An added touch was this aside from
the youthful commander. “I’ve been
telling everyone that the 57th is the greatest
bunch of fliers in the desert, but now I won’t
have to make that speil - everyone knows they
are the greatest. Boy, am I happy!” The
report continues: Mission time 16.50-19.05, 47
Warhawks ordered up on fighter sweep over enemy
lines. One a-c returned early.
…Formation flew to point X, picked up cover,
then NW to point A and along coast to point B,
where 100 plus tri-motored transports were encountered
(some Savoias but mostly JU-52’s) flying
on deck in NE direction escorted by 50 plus ME-109’s
and ME-110’s flying from 4,000 down to deck.
Enemy a-c were engaged…
“Look around and take it easy, boys”
came the voice of Captain James G. ‘Big
Jim’ Curl on the interplane radio. “It
may be a booby.” Curl, who is from Columbus,
Ohio, was leading the 47-plane formation. He briefly
searched the sky overhead to be sure the Spitfire
cover was there, then on the radio again, this
time less cautious and with a note of glee: “Juicy,
juicy, juicy. Let’s get ‘em boys.”
Curl’s wingman reported; “After Curl
gave the warning we went down, the two of us,
full gun. The transports, meanwhile, must have
seen us, for they went ahead wide open. This sudden
spurt left twelve of fifteen stragglers behind
the last V. Curl and I hit those. I fired on the
first plane, which came into my sights. A short
burst left his port engine burning. The flame
trailed the whole length of the plane. The center
or nose engine was also on fire. The Warhawks
have three fifty-caliber guns in each wing and
throw a lot of lead. I lost Curl during this pass.
As I pulled up I saw the Junkers stall and hit
the water with a big splash. I made a quick climbing
turn and got on the tail of another transport
- and then pulled away suddenly when I mistook
antother Warhawk for a Jerry.
“All three Vs of the transports were turning
toward land by now. I got my second Junkers near
the beach – it crashed into the surf and
exploded. Another crashed near it at the same
time and I saw a Warhawk hit the water. There
weren’t any chutes in the air. I don’t
think the transports carried any. I had an inconclusive
scrap with a Me-109 before I ran out of ammunition
and found myself low on gas. That ended my part
of the scrap.”
…Enemy a-c apparently not aware our presence
until we struck… “They were flying
the most beautiful formation I’ve ever seen,”
was the comment of Lieut. William B. Campbell
of Blissfield, Mich. “It seemed like the
a shame to break it up. Reminded me of a beautiful
propaganda film. They seemed to be without a leader
after our first attack and just continued to fly
straight ahead. That was suicide.”
…Some enemy a-c believed to have bellied
in at point C, apparently a landing ground. Many
a-c, 20 to 40 JU-52’s were seen to belly
land on beach Cape Bon. Between 50 and 60 fires
were observed in vicinity of beach…
“There were so many targets in the air and
crashing into the deck, and so many of us after
them, I was afraid I was going to be left out,”
said Lieut. MacArthur Powers of Inwood, N.Y. “We
almost fought among ourselves to get to the enemy.”
Powers shot down four JU-52’s and an ME-109
within 20 minutes to cinch the title “ace”.
…A considerable number of personnel, many
believed to be troops were reported by pilots
to have leaped out of crashed e-a that bellied
Lieut. Harry Stanford of Munising, Mich., who
accounted for three JU-52’s corroborated
that report. He had a look at the scurrying personnel
from deck level, and this is how he got there:
“I got two transports with my guns, then
drove on a third. But when I pressed the tit nothing
happened; my guns were jammed. It made me so damn
mad when the guns didn’t bark I decided
to get that third guy if I had to dive him into
the drink. Sure enough, he saw me coming and dived
to get away, and he couldn’t pull out. He
went in with a tremendous splash. I skimmed along
the deck and sailed for home. You should have
seen those Jerries scram from the wrecks on the
…The pilots of the ME-109’s were considered
to have flown their a-c in a confused and inferior
fashion after the engagement began, probably due
to the low altitude and disorganization caused
by the Spitfire attacks above.
“The ME’s were all messed up,”
said Lieut. R.J. Byrne of St. Louis, MO., who
shot down three of them, from his position in
top cover with the Spitfires. “I got three
of them, but that isn’t anything. Wait until
the rest of the gang gets back. I had a ringside
seat for the whole show. All you could see were
those big ships coming apart in the air, plunging
into the sea and crashing in flames on the beach.
Their fighters couldn’t get in to bother
our ball carriers at all.”
…80 per cent of the JU-52’s destroyed
are estimated to have been flamers and very few
transports, if any, left the target area…
Captain Roy Whittaker was leading an element of
the Fighting Cocks, the second squadron to go
down into the melee: “I attacked the JU-52’s
from astern at high speed and fired at two planes
in the leading formation. The bursts were short
and the only effect I saw was pieces flying off
the cabin of the second ship. I pulled away and
circled to the right and made my second attack.
I fired two bursts into two more 52’s-again
in the leading formation. They both burst into
flames. The second flew a little distance and
then crashed into the water. I lost sight of the
first and didn’t see it hit. I then made
a third pass and sent a good burst into the left
of the formation, at another Junkers. As I pulled
away it crashed into the water. By that time the
Me-109’s were among us. As I pulled up to
the left I saw a 109 dive through an element of
the four Warhawks and I tagged on his underside
and gave him a long burst in the belly. He crashed
into the sea from a thousand feet.
“I then joined up with some Warhawks which
were luffberrying with six Me-109’s. I met
one of these fighters with a quartering attack
and hit him with a short burst. Pieces flew from
the plane and he started smoking, but he climbed
out of the fight.” Captain Whittaker claimed
three JU-52’s and one Me-109 destroyed:
One Ju-52 and one Me-109 damaged to run his victory
string to seven: “It was a pilot’s
dream. I’ve never seen such a complete massacre
of the enemy in my life. I was afraid someone
would wake me up.”
Lieutenant Richard Hunziker, another Fighting
Cock pilot on his second combat mission spied
what looked like “… a thousand black
beetles crawling over the water.” I was
flying wing ship on Major Thomas, who was leading
our squadron. On our first pass I was so excited
I started firing early. I could see the shorts
kicking up the water. Then they hit the tail of
a JU-52 and crawled up the fuselage. This ship
was near the front of the first V. As I went after
it I realized I was being shot at from transports
on both sides. It looked as though they were blinking
red flashlights at me from the windows. Tommy-guns,
probably. The ship I was firing at hit the water
in a great sheet of spray and then exploded. As
I pulled away I could see figures struggling away
from what was left of the plane.
“Id lost Major Thomas. There were so many
Warhawks diving, climbing and attacking that it
was difficult to keep out of the way of your own
planes. I made a circle and then heard someone
say, over the radio: “There’s M-109’s
up here – come up and help us.” So
I climbed to 5000 and flubbed around among the
dogfights, not knowing just what to do. Finally
I got on the tail of a 109. As I was closing I
noticed golf balls streaming past me on both sides.
That meant there was another enemy fighter behind
me, firing at me with his 20-millimeter cannon.
“So I took evasive action. That brought
me over the shoreline, where I hooked on to another
enemy fighter. My first squirt hit near the nose
of the ship. Pieces flew off and he went into
a steep dive. I followed him closely, still firing,
until he crashed in a green field with a big splash
of smoke and flame. Then I heard them giving instructions
to reform.”
…The final note on the mission report, except
the full box score of participating pilots, was
this: “This organization realizes the tremendously
important part played by the Spitfire cover, which
shot down three enemy fighters in the melee in
our last mission of the day. For the splendid
cover provided and the job of keeping enemy fighters,
although greatly outnumbered, occupied throughout
the battle, go our heartiest thanks.”
Describing the engagement, Captain Curl said,
“When I first saw the Jerry planes they
were right beneath us, about 4000 feet down. Camouflaged
as they were with green coloring, it was rather
difficult to distinguish the transports against
the sea. When we got nearer they looked just like
a huge gaggle of geese for they were traveling
in perfect ‘V’ formation, tightly
packed. The boys simply cut loose and shot the
daylights out of them. What concerned our pilots
most was the danger of hitting our own aircraft,
for the concentration of fire was terrific and
the air was filled with whistling and turning
machines. There were cases of pilots missing the
transport they aimed at and hitting the one behind.
It was as fantastic as that, you just could not
miss. There was no real fighter opposition because
the British Spitfires that were flying our top
cover did a grand job of keeping the Messerschmitts
so busy that they could not interfere with our
attack to any extent.”
Captain Curl said that the enemy ships were so
tightly packed that he sometimes had three in
his sights at the same time and that he saw one
of his squadron mates get tow of them with a single
burst from his machine gun. Capt. Curl, having
been previously recommended, became Major Curl
the day after be became Ace in this battle by
bagging his third, fourth and fifth enemy planes:
Two Junkers and a Messerschmitt.
Returning Warhawks brought back to base that Sunday
evening three other newly made aces and a big
and glorious job for the artistic crewman who
paints victory trophies on fuselages. The aces
were: Lieut. McArthur Robert Powers, Inwood, L.I.,
New York, who shot down four Ju-52’s, and
one ME-109 to bring his total to seven enemy aircraft
destroyed; Lieut. Richard E. Duffey, Walled Lake,
Mich., who shot down five JU-52’s and damaged
an ME-109 and Capt. Roy E. Whittaker, Knoxville,
Tenn., who was credited with three JU-52’s
destroyed and one damaged and one ME-109 destroyed
to bring his total to seven.
Praise came from high places and so did enemy
bombs. While General Brereton was receiving congratulations
for the men of the 57th those men were dodging
bombs back at their base near el Djem. For two
sleepless nights, April 19 and 20, Jerry pounded
their home field in angry retaliation. A much-decorated
pilot, Lieut. Allen H. Smith, was killed by a
bomb fragment and there were seven men injured.
Three aircraft were hit; trucks and trailers damaged,
tentage shredded and personal belongings scattered,
buried and destroyed. Slit trenches on those nights
more than earned the hard labor, which went into
their digging. The next day the 57th moved even
closer to Jerry, but he didn’t return. Praise
came from many places-two such being from General
Byerly of Rear Army Headquarters and General George
Marshall, Chief of Staff, U.S. Army.

Short description of the battle
which also tells us what is
going on in the painting below.

Painting of "Goose Shoot''
of April 18, 1943 by artist Keith Ferris.
Painting hangs in the 57th Fighter Group Museum/Memorial,
New England
Air Museum, Bradley International Airport, Windsor Locks,
Connecticut. Pic Mark O'Boyle

From Wayne S. Dodds

From Wayne S. Dodds

From Wayne S. Dodds

From Wayne S. Dodds