Boston Air Defense Region:
The 57th Group was alerted for any possible
invasion of the eastern coast and was split
up, each squadron moving to a different
base along the coast. 64th Sqd. to East
Boston, Massachusetts, 65th Sqd. to Trumbull
Airport, Groton Connecticut, 66th Sqd. to
Republic Field, Farmingdale, L.I., New York.
The Group was now assigned to the Boston
Air Defense Region, but the Group officers
also became the officers of the Region,
thus wearing both hats. Many new pilots
were joining the Group, being trained further
including experiments on carrying 500-pound
bombs on the P-40.
Going To War:
In June of 1942, orders were spewing out
like bullets from a machine gun, and with
that the 57th was on its way to fight a
war. Special Orders, Numbers 168, and 170
of the First Air Force were two of such
orders. Major (six months ago First Lieut.)
Frank Mears was put in command and told
to name the men he needed and go. Time from
that moment until the Combat Echelon was
at sea aboard the Ranger (July 1) was measured
not in weeks, not in days, but in hours.
The Group was divided into the Combat Echelon,
the Air Echelon, and the Ground Echelon.
The Air Echelon was also on its way at the
same time by way of Pan Am Airlines through
Miami, Florida. The Ground Echelon departed
from New York on the HMS Louis Pasteur two
weeks later on July 16, 1942.